Now we extract the 0TEXT.cpk to insert kits, for it ran the cri packed file maker, and in the upper right corner CPK chose the open file icon and choose our 0TEXT.cpk previously we drew with UMD Gen. cpk not recognize the file, so it is necessary to remove it and then decompress it. The kits are in the 0TEXT.cpk, to remove execute the umd gen, we go to file> open disk image and select the target folder or where we have our iso pes 2013 psp, once opened we Double click on PSP_GAME and then click on USRDIR we place the 0TEXT.cpk, place the cursor on this file and we right click and choose extract selected, choose the destination folder or where we store and ready and have our extracted 0TEXT.cpk. cpk and therefore the Game Graphic Studio.

Kits adapted and indexed to insert if you know how to do this look Insert kits PES 2013 PSPComenzare with how to insert kits in pes 2013 psp, since we have no files in this.